Presentation Design

Presentation Design that captures your audience

You’ve done your homework: gathered all the data, researched all the key points you are going to talk about, put together the slides. Yet, something is still missing. Your presentation doesn’t look right. It’s not on brand, it doesn’t communicate with your audience visually.

Did you know that people remember up to 40% more information when it’s presented visually?

Here's out tried and tested process:

01 Presentation Audit

We can improve on your current presentation, or create one from the scratch. The presentation will follow your brand guidelines and speak to your audience visually.

02 Design Concept

All our presentations start with a storyboard and a Sharpie. We come up with the best concepts for each slide, think about how to visualize the data, and brainstorm around the key message on the slides.

03 Presentation Design

We transfer the design to a PowerPoint presentation we have created specifically for your brand. Your slides will be designed following all the graphic design rules: typography, visual communication, grid structure.

The benefits of having a professionally designed presentation:

Professional presentation design speaks volumes about you as a professional. You can be an authority in your field, but if your slides look cheap and busy, it can undermine your reputation and ruin your first impression on the audience. 

A professionally designed PowerPoint presentation will be consistent and on-brand throughout and provide a strong impact on your audience. Whether you’re an owner of a small business, a C-level executive, or a member of the sales team, the point of giving this presentation is to influence the audience, bring them about to your way of thinking and generate business.

Having a professional design your presentation will save you time, and we all know time is money. You really don’t have to spend hours tweaking your slides and burning the midnight oil trying to come up with the best possible visual representation of your data. We’ll do that for you.